Getting Started with the Zoom JWT Integration

The Zoom JWT integration option lets you configure Runbooks to spin up a conference bridge for your team to use during incidents.

Setting up the Zoom JWT integration

FireHydrant uses the Zoom JWT (JSON Web Token) application type to create Zoom meetings for incident responders. If you haven't created a JWT application in your Zoom account, go to to get started.

Note: If you already have a JWT application, you can use the JWT app credentials for FireHydrant integration.

Developer privileges in Zoom are required to perform this step.

  1. Log in to Zoom and go to the App Marketplace. Find the JWT app type. jwtapptype.png
  2. If you are creating a new Zoom application, provide the basic information as appropriate for your organization.
    After you enter this information, Zoom provides application credentials to generate a JSON web token. This token has access to the Zoom API. FireHydrant generates a valid JSON web token to communicate with the API as needed.
Note: You may want to enter a generic name for the JWT application, as Zoom allows you to create only one JWT app per account.

Adding Zoom credentials in FireHydrant

Next, go to the integrations page of FireHydrant to enter the API key and API secret generated by the JWT app.

  • API Key: This identifies your JSON web token application in Zoom.
  • API Secret: This is used to generate a signed JSON web token when FireHydrant sends requests to Zoom to create meetings.
  • Backup User Email: If the user who opened the incident on FireHydrant (or who executed the Runbook step that creates the meeting) does not exist on Zoom, you need to identify a different user who has Zoom credentials.

FireHydrant user Zoom settings

Ensure that the Zoom accounts of users who may trigger runbooks, open incidents, as well as that account set as backup in the Zoom integration have the Personal Meeting ID scheduling option disabled. To disable it:
  1. As the user, sign in to Zoom
  2. Go to Settings
  3. Make sure Use Personal Meeting ID (PMI) when scheduling a meeting and Use Personal Meeting ID (PMI) when starting an instant meeting are both DISABLED.
If these settings are enabled, the same Zoom meeting ID will be used for each incident, causing collisions if more than one incident is in play at the same time.

Adding a Zoom Runbook step

After you have set up the Zoom integration, you can add a Create Meeting step to any incident type Runbook in FireHydrant. 

  1. In the left nav, click Runbooks. Once you're creating or editing a runbook, select "Add Step" and search for the Zoom step
  2. Scroll down to the Zoom step and Click Add
  3. Specify the meeting topic and agenda (using template variables) and whether you want FireHydrant to record the meeting.

  4. To create a Zoom bridge for every time this Runbook is triggered, select the Execute Automatically checkbox in the Conditions & scheduling section for this step.


With these settings configured, your team will have access to an incident-specific Zoom meeting whenever this Runbook is executed. 


If you encounter an error indicating that the Zoom meeting is waiting for the host, verify that you are logged into your Zoom account.

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